Project files

Project Files is where the bulk of files and all models should be stored on BIM360. Permission levels will dictate what folders are visible to each team member.


00 General

Existing Conditions

  • This folder is used to share existing condition documentation for the project. This could be drawings or photographs as necessary.

Revit Assets

  • This folder is used to share Revit assets related to the project.

Revit Upgrade Report

  • This folder is used to house Revit Upgrade Reports generated during the annual upgrade process. The reports are combined into a zip file which can be downloaded by teams as required.


Nothing should be placed in this folder. As packages are shared through Design Collaboration, this folder will continually update. However, Equip Studio does not utilize this folder as we use the "Controlled Sharing - Consume" method.

"Team Folders"

Each team will have a folder designating their discipline on the project. (Architecture, AVL, MEP, Structure, etc.) The visibility of other team's folders is determined by the permissions of each team/member and by default each team member is only able to see their team's folder unless they are given project admin permission. Each team's folder has been set up with two sub-folders, described below. In addition, the team's current Revit file should be housed in the root of the team's folder.


  • This folder is typically used to archive versions of the team's model. This is most commonly used during the Revit upgrade process or when a major shift in building design is done.


  • This folder houses the models that each team has consumed from other teams through the Design Collaboration timeline. This folder is where other team's models should be linked from in Revit.